Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Donation Based Yoga Classes

When I started practicing yoga I was in college in Los Angeles. For the better part of my years practicing I was a student and did everything possible to scrape together enough money to pay for memberships at the student rate at my favorite studios. I was lucky to have Yogaworks in the area and with the student discount I could attend unlimited classes at any time of day with amazingly gifted and inspiring teachers. In San Diego, however, I have found it difficult to commit to a membership relationship with just one studio. I am still searching and/or hoping for a studio to come along that has more than one location where my membership is valid, has a variety of class times, offers a variety of styles, a variety of teachers, and really just makes me feel at home like I have felt at certain studios at different points during my yoga journey. Yoga Fusion in Bird Rock was that studio for me for a couple of years. Unfortunately, I came back to San Diego after three months spent traveling around the world with a few months left on my unlimited yoga membership, only to find that my yoga home was gone. Ever since I have become somewhat of a yoga nomad. But good things often come from situations we initially find disappointing, and one good thing I have found is a fabulous movement toward donation based yoga classes. I know how much yoga has helped me in every aspect of my life and ultimately I hope that everyone with an interest in experiencing yoga has the opportunity to do so even if they cannot afford the premium price tag classes often come with. Although having a self/home practice is central to a yoga journey, maintaining a community practice with guidance and adjustments from passionate teachers is similarly integral. In order to provide you with the incentive to try some new teachers, or styles, or perhaps to just try yoga for the first time, I compiled a chart of donation based yoga classes in the San Diego area. Enjoy! Akasha also offers a free class Intro to Yoga class on the 1st Friday of every month.

1 comment:

  1. hey there. All classes at sd yoga loft are donation based :)
