Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Beginning

Yesterday I decided that I would start a blog/website about yoga. I had already spent hours upon hours pulling up class schedules for almost every studio between Chula Vista and Oceanside and compiling the schedules into a spreadsheet organized by day and time. My most recent idea was to create a spreadsheet with every donation based yoga class in the San Diego area. That is when the light bulb turned on---It would be so much easier to share the fruits of my OCD with other yogis if I started a blog! Alas, this is the beginning of what I hope will be a great resource for anyone interested in yoga and other holistic practices. I plan to have links the various studios in the area and each studio's schedule. I also want to list the numerous workshops, retreats and other events that are taking place around the county. Teachers can use this as a forum to share sequences of poses or music playlists, people can suggest books and albums that they find inspiring, and the possibilities go on and on. Now I just need to figure out how to actually do this blog thing and learn how to post spreadsheets and link to other sites. I look forward to sharing my passion for yoga through this contemporary medium and I hope others will find it helpful or even inspiring. I am excited to begin this journey.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! Thank you for the link! Namaste.
