Thursday, April 30, 2009

Classes and classes

Normally I post what I taught at my previous class. Unfortunately, I am at least 3 or 4 classes behind! Oops. I am also really behind in writing about other classes I have recently taken.

Hopefully I will spend some time this weekend putting some of my thoughts and observations into cyberspace soon.

I have picked up at least 3 new classes to teach and I am super excited about them. I also subbed at Chula Vista Yoga Center last night and loved the openess and positive energy of the students there. I had about 50 people in the class and it was an amazing place to be for those 90 minutes. I could not believe how well everyone exemplified the core priciples of yoga. It was a perfect lesson of: 1) no expectations, 2) no judgment, 3) being present, and 4) demonstrating kindness.

I really did not know what the overall opinion of my teaching style and the class would be at the end of the night, so I was on cloud 9.5 when I received loving feedback and had confirmation that I helped guide some of them through a postive practice.

They could have chosen to revolt. I was far from stellar last night, in part due to the crazy circumstances that had me rushing there without a chance to calm my mind and transition out of my office mindset.

I borrowed clothes to teach in. I went straight from the courthouse to a doctor appointment, and then to the studio. I had no clue where the lights were and when the sun went down I had them practicing in near blackness until I saw the switches. I did not have a watch or any clock and was not positive how many minutes the playlist I put on would last so I was clueless to what time it was when I had them slip into savasana. Nevertheless, it all seemed to be okay!

Tonight I have my candlelight class. I love this class and I really love the self-practice I do after it is over. I really really love the Yogurtland I usually treat myslef to before I head home!


Not that I think people are out there missing my postings or wondering what happened to my regular musings because I am thrilled just to have somewhere to write and keep track of the other blogs I like to visit---but lately I have found it difficult to get up enough energy to express myself.

I started worrying about leaving the safety of my regular paying job and then really wondering what I am going to do with my life. It feels odd to be done with college, done with graduate school, having worked in the professional world, and nearing 30; yet, realizing that I am still in the process of trying on different hats to see which one fits well and is attractive and will last through the years. Metaphor there is that I am a freaking adult that spend thousands and thousands of dollars and years on getting to that career stage, and once I reached the top of the mountain I realized that the view was a landfill and that I had at least another moutain to climb before I reach the place I am meant to be.

In some ways I feel fortunate that I am being honest with myself and admitting that what I thought I should be doing with my life is definitely not what I want to or should be doing with it. I am comfortable admitting that the corporate world and all that comes with it is not cut out for me. After 20+ years I figured out that I don't actually enjoy and thrive on stress.

Problem is that I need to find a way to pay rent, buy food, maintain health coverage, and pay off those grad school loans while I go through the process of figuring out whether to go back to school and become a physical therapist so I can use yoga and pilates and other holistic treatments in that practice; or do I try to find a way to get a masters or PhD in an area that will allow me to focus on international human rights issues and somehow involve yoga into that realm as well; or do I open a business; or do I try to make ends meet by stringing together enough yoga teaching jobs and miscellaneous work to make ends meet?

It is almost funny to think I spent years and years not having a clue what I wanted to do. I got so caught up in what I thought I was supposed to do and be and what others told me I should do or be that I did not have any concept of my true self.

The last year has been filled with peeling back the proverbial layers, delving into the depths of my relationship with my parents; coming to terms with decisions I made at points when I did not know myself; and finally, embracing the opportunity to let go of what I carried for so many years so that I could find joy in the journey of living---struggles and all.

Obviously I have some more layers to get through, but I think it gets easier after you work past the rough surface. I am truly thrilled that I have come to a place where I feel okay being.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Teaching at the Wall

I am a person that needs a lot of change and variety to keep me interested and focused. I am pretty sure that if I went to a doctor looking for a diagnosis they would tell me I fall into the A.D.D. category. What that translates to as far as yoga and teaching yoga: I change things up a lot. A lot a lot.

My tendency to change things up is one reason I could not be a pure ashtangi and one of the many reasons why the idea of Bikram makes me contemplate poking my eye out with a dull pencil.

But, if you like a lot of change (and some people definitely are averse to change), you might like showing up at my yoga classes. I change the poses, the integration sequencing, the use of props, the sun salutations, the music, and my savasana love regularly.

Last night I decided to change up the beginning of class and do a portion against the wall to work on alignment and integrity in certain foundational poses. The group I had last night seemed to welcome the Iyengaresque approach and I definitely saw some light bulbs go off when we did triangle, warrior-2, and ardha chandrasana (half moon).

Here's the general sequence:

Standing tai chi twists.
Quarter moon stretches (3 on each side using breath)
Shoulder opener (clasp hands behind back) and fold to uttanasana
Rag doll

Surya Namaskara/Sun Salutation:

Tadasana-urdvha hastasana-uttanasana-low anjenayasana-chatturanga-
downdog-anjenayasana-uttanasana-urdvha hastasana

First round was slower paced and then we did 2 more together and then I had the class do 3 rounds at their own pace.

Warrior 2 in center of room
Extended side angle/ parsvokonasana
Reverse warrior
Cartwheel to floor for low lunge hip opener variation (rolling onto outside edge of front foot & come to forearms if able)
Eka pada anjaneyasana (quad stretch in low lunge)

Repeat Left side

Move to Wall:
ardha chandrasana/ half moon
warrior 2

Back to center of room to do Eagle with a prep in Crane

Malasana/Squat---play here shifting weight side-to-side and in circles

Come to floor
Janu sirsasana rolling up to modified side plank and circling top arm back for a slight back bend/heart opener

Repeat other side

Ardha Matsyendrasana

Half Saddle

Supine twist starting from belly


If time allowed I thought about doing:

Rocket Cats for core strengthening
Ustrasana at wall [one arm at a time and then both)
Table top

I loved all their questions and excitement when they felt the poses at new depths and in new places.

And- the music rocked (I am biased though since I chose it)!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Anya Marina

So I loooooovvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeee her. Her music is fabulous and she was absolutely adorable the other weekend when I saw her at the Casbah (birthday luck for moi). When I woke up in the middle of the night last night and could not get back to sleep for 4 hours I ended up splurging on itunes.

What was my big purchase of the night? Yes---Anya Marina's new album: Slow and Steady Seduction Phase II.

I can't wait to play it in my yoga classes!

I am just hoping I can find a way to download her acoustic cover of T.I.'s "Whatever You Like." That, however, is not yoga class appropriate lyrics. It is appropriate for a cardio/fitness pole dancing or strip class though :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Yoga for Athletes

Subbed again last night and had a really great class. I think I am going to start teaching Yoga for Athletes Saturday mornings at 10:30 a.m.

The yoga class will follow a group cycling class which is perfect because I have been wanting to start teaching what I will call: SAVY (Spinning and Vinyasa Yoga). This will be a double-header style so an hour of each.

When I hopefully start teaching SAVY I think I will do 30-45 minutes of spinning and then maybe 45 of yoga. Ideally the workout will be 90 minutes--so it can vary on how to divide the time up.


Focus will be on counterbalancing the body---equanimity. The yoga will strengthen and lengthen and open the areas that spinning doesn't touch or counteracts.

Super excited to try this out. When I was spinning and yogaing regularly (spinning
3x week and yoga 5-6x), I must say my body was in top form. I felt strong and agile and lean.

Now I just need to find a way to turn my daytime law job to a part-time law job in order to take the health and fitness stuff up a notch!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Enlighten Up in San Diego

Great News!!! Enlighten Up will open in San Diego May 8 at the Ken theater! Now I can save gas and the environment and see it in my town. Can't wait.

Some Southern California Yoga Workshops

Friday April 17 - Saturday April 18 - Sunday April 19, 2009
Thai Massage with Saul David Raye at Exhale in Los Angeles. 12:30-5:30 p.m.

How to Teach Vinyasa Flow with Vinnie Marino at Yoga Works O.C. Costa Mesa. Fri-Sun. $250.

Finding Ease at Your Edge with Jason Crandell at L.A. Yoga Works. Sat. 6-8 p.m. and Sunday 1:30-4:30 p.m. $40, 75, or 100 for both. *also with Kathryn Budig!