Thursday, April 30, 2009

Classes and classes

Normally I post what I taught at my previous class. Unfortunately, I am at least 3 or 4 classes behind! Oops. I am also really behind in writing about other classes I have recently taken.

Hopefully I will spend some time this weekend putting some of my thoughts and observations into cyberspace soon.

I have picked up at least 3 new classes to teach and I am super excited about them. I also subbed at Chula Vista Yoga Center last night and loved the openess and positive energy of the students there. I had about 50 people in the class and it was an amazing place to be for those 90 minutes. I could not believe how well everyone exemplified the core priciples of yoga. It was a perfect lesson of: 1) no expectations, 2) no judgment, 3) being present, and 4) demonstrating kindness.

I really did not know what the overall opinion of my teaching style and the class would be at the end of the night, so I was on cloud 9.5 when I received loving feedback and had confirmation that I helped guide some of them through a postive practice.

They could have chosen to revolt. I was far from stellar last night, in part due to the crazy circumstances that had me rushing there without a chance to calm my mind and transition out of my office mindset.

I borrowed clothes to teach in. I went straight from the courthouse to a doctor appointment, and then to the studio. I had no clue where the lights were and when the sun went down I had them practicing in near blackness until I saw the switches. I did not have a watch or any clock and was not positive how many minutes the playlist I put on would last so I was clueless to what time it was when I had them slip into savasana. Nevertheless, it all seemed to be okay!

Tonight I have my candlelight class. I love this class and I really love the self-practice I do after it is over. I really really love the Yogurtland I usually treat myslef to before I head home!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - sounds like you were able to just flow with everything despite your hectic day, and your students picked up on it. You, yourself exhibited the same qualities you mention seeing in your students.

    Way to teach! Enjoy Yogurtland!
    George Lichter
