Saturday, February 28, 2009

Taught a class this morning. I had so many different ideas about what I wanted to include in the class and was having a hard time finalizing what I thought might go over well with this group. What I am most nervous about is that I am taking over the class for one of the studio's owners and I am sure she had a group of regulars that may not be excited about a new teacher bringing in a new style. I know that my style is a little different because my true yoga roots are in the ashtanga world and I value the vinyasa as the transition linking poses througout a practice. I did like my music and I look forward to putting together next week's playlist. There were about 12 people in the class, 2 of which were men and 3 of the attendees are also yoga teachers. We opended in sukasana--easy pose and did side and forward stretching there. Next we moved into Surya Namaskar A (sun salutation). I did a variation that involved stepping back with the left leg and coming into low lunge on right side. Inhale to cresent lunge, exhale twist right, inhale crescent with arch, exhale to plank, chatturanga, urdhva muka, adho muka, repeat left side, then meet in tadasana. I don't remember how many times through we did it---hopefully about three times. Next was surya namaskar B. Inhale ukatasana, exhale through vinyasa meet in down dog, inhale warrior 1, exhale warrior 2, cartwheel arms to floor and take plank and flow through vinyasa. Repeat on left side. Then did Surya Namaskar with core work. From downdog knee to nose three times and switch sides. Then right knee to right elbow and on third time option is to keep leg straight and move right thigh to right arm/elbow. Repeat left side (vinyasa in between each side. [I am coming back to this 4 days later and no longer have the clear recall that I did Saturday afternoon.] Next was vinyasa to Warrior2, to parsvokonasana, bind in parsvo, bound trikonasana, release to regular trikonasana and then vinyasa to repeat on left side. Next parsvottanasana with reverse namaste arms or hands grasping opposite elbows (actually I did a warm up parsvottanasana where inhale sweep arms to sky, exhale to flat back/half way,inhale hold and exhale fold forward allowing hands to reach to floor). After 5 cycles of breath in parsvottanasana moved into Warrior 3 with arms staying in reverse namaste. Release to tadasana. Repeat opposite side. I believe we did more blanace poses next and started with clasped hands under thigh in a preparation for uttitha hasta padagustasana A. Extend leg and hands to hips and hold, sweep leg through to Warrior 3 and hold 5 breaths and then sweep forward again to take eagle. Hold eagle and round forward in eagle and then release tadasana. For the opposite side we went from clasping under thigh and hamstring stretch to Eagle, round the eagle and straighten. From eagle to warrior3 then sweep leg forward to uttitha hasta padagustasana A with hands on hips and release tadasana. Final balancing sequence was traditional Uttitha Hasta Padagustasana A and B then return to A and release grip of big toe and hold leg out straight for 5 counts with hands on hips. Aghhhh- to the floor.

Vinyasa to 3 legged dog with right leg lifted, drop right heel to left buttock and gaze under left arm at the right foot for hip opener. After 3-5breaths straighten right leg and square hips before exhale to pigeon. Hold pigeon and/or parivrtta variation for at least 10 cycles of breath. I walked around to adjust here. Repeat on left side. After left side we took double pigeon or I have also had it called fire log pose. Again gheld here and also stretched to left and right while folding forward. I wanted to give them some luscious hip opening today because I think that seated poses and especially deepening these poses has not been a part of their practice previously. I am a bit confused on the order because I know that we probably did dandasana before the hip opening and after dandasana did padagustasana and then floating stick (aka lifted dandasana). Then Janu sirsasana A and variation...aka parivrtta janu sirsasana. Hmmmmm....other floor worknwas badakonasana A and B and then navasana with utplutihi/tolasana in between 5 breath cycle navasanas. I believe next was bridge and wheel (dhanurasana)and then closing it out with happy baby, supine twists and any other last poses before savasana.

My gripes were with me trying to mirror the class for demos, not being sure if it was too challenging with balancing or just right or whether the ashtanga influenced style was more floor work than what this class wants. Ideally, I would always like to fit in the entire closing sequence of plow, shoulder stand, carnipidasana and if advanced enough sirsasana before finishing. Well there is always this week. I am trying to decide on a theme or a master pose to base the class around. Hopefully I will decide that Thursday and do a home practice to fine tune on Thursday and Friday.

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