Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Babs Playful Babble

One of my guilty pleasures is checking up on another yogi/yoga teacher's blog: babsbabble. Her post from yesterday made me smile. Here it is:

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Ah. Class tonight was so great. I had a fun group of students who were willing to try new things. We kept things flowy and fun and then worked on some balancing poses. There was a lot of laughing!

And, then we worked on arm balances. They kept playing until they couldn't anymore and collapsed into bhaktasana laughing.

Classes like this make me think I'm not crazy to be a yoga teacher. Like I might have something to offer.

And here is my reply after reading about a class I wish I was at:

Sounds like the best class ever. My favorite sound in a yoga class is laughter and it is all the more amazing when it comes out of playing with inversions and arm balances. I read somewhere that a yoga teacher will say to her students: "If you wobble smile, if you fall laugh." I love how encouraging laughter encourages yogis to move closer to their edge and challenge themselves to try the poses they might be nervous to try in a silent room.

Maybe this is why there is now Laughter Yoga. Can't wait to see that part of "Enlighten Up!"

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