Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Roll to Your Right (or Left) Side

Sometimes I like to roll to my left side after savasana...but usually I am only offered the option of rolling right. I wonder if my teachers know why they more often ask the class to roll to the right, or whether it is just out of habit. Although I have learned that rolling right is supposedly more gentle on the heart that is open after practicing---I get the craving to roll left every now and then. Is it rude to roll left if not offered? Is it wrong somehow? Am I the only one who feels like my right and left need more balancing and coming out of savasana is no different? I am going to roll left this week and see how I feel. Maybe I will do a heart opening practice and then roll left and see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. I used to wonder about this too and then was told the heart reason. Makes sense. Sometimes I just want to keep rolling any which way too. Love your blog! :-)
