Friday, March 20, 2009

Innovative Yoga Sequences

After I teach and when I am practicing alone at home I like to just let go, be present, release any expectations or plans, and allow my body and subconscious to dictate what poses I do, how I move in and out of them, where I wiggle and shift engergy to, and what shapes I can create to open spaces that have not felt that open before.

Sometimes during these personal yoga practices I come up with fun and often challenging sequences. I try to use exciting transitions between postures, link a number of balancing poses together, move from standing to a seated twist and back to standing in one flowing sequence. I even make up new poses...except maybe they are not new poses, but just poses that I have never seen or been taught before.

I can hold the left and right sides for as long as I wish, do a bunch of hip openers, choose the arm balances I feel like working on, rest in supta badha konasana for ten minutes, start with 20 sun salutations or 2 (I don't think I have ever started with just 2), and allow myself to go on for 20 minutes or 2 entire hours.

To be completely honest, I am my own favorite teacher right now. If you have not spent some time doing your own yoga practice lately, I hope you will do so soon. I am sure you will realize that you are your favorite teacher as well.

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