Friday, March 20, 2009

Candlelight Yoga


Taught a candlelight class last night. I twas the first week this was offered and I had 3 students. One newer yogo that is testing out the studio, a nurse that found the class that afternoon while looking online, and an athletic male. The group had some very positive energy and seemed the perfect mix for a late night class. I enjoyed the opportunity to teach to a smaller group because it allowed me to really focus my comments and provide lots of yummy assists and adjustments. If I could have, I would have taught this class for at least 2 hours.

I had them start on their backs in badha konasana with one hand on their heart and the other on their belly. We took some time tuning into the breath and lengthening inhales and exhales, eventually pausing to retain at the top and bottom of the breath cycle.

Next we moved through a brief seated warm up of folding forward in sukasana and gently twisting. Eventually pressing into a bent knee down dog before walking hands back to fee for the first standing forward fold---uttanasana.

I had them build heat with sun salutations. Surya Namaskar A in the sivananda method with modifying chatturanga the first time and starting with cobra. We went through A 3 more times. Sun B was traditional B and could tell that they were getting warm. I helped the newbie focus on modifying chatturanga and only inhaling to cobra because her upper body strength is not quite where it needs to be to do that part of the vinyasa without compromising alignment and comfort in the low back.
The other two just need some work on Urdhva Muka Savasana-Up Dog- to roll the shoulder s back and down and press firmly into the tops of the big toes in order to take the arch out of the lumbar and into the thoracic spine. I did some hands on assisting and adjusting to help guide them into those places.

Standing sequences were crescent moon low lunge and high lunge with twisting and then Vira 2. Then pyramid pose to reverse triangle to twisting 1/2 moon with a release to forward fold.

We balanced with uttitha hasta padangustasana using straps and I challenged them to hold legs out in front for 5 counts. They really did well.

Moving to core work I challenged them at this point with downdog core and finally let them take it to the ground for janu sirsasana and related seated poses. By the time we moved through the finishing sequence and relaxed into savasana they seemed ready for a long rest.

They all said they really enjoyed the class and the attention that such a small class provided. I hope to have them all back again next week. Out of everything in my life right now, teaching yoga is my favorite way to pass the time.

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