Friday, March 27, 2009

Frustration...trying to keep from escalating to anger?

Last night I was frustrated to say the least. After spending at least an hour writing about my frustration, however, the feelings had decreased and I was much more calm about the entire situation. Moral---writing is cathartic for me.

100_9773 Jessica merges with heart & sea

Problem: I spent the hour writing about this frustration for a post. This morning I came back to finish up my rant and...gasp!...once again my draft had disappeared into the unknown.

Perhaps I should be okay with the loss of so many sarcastic, yet humorous and witty remarks because I basically expressed that I thought someone was a moron and that their philosophy on teaching yoga classes according to a pre-ordained flow, rather than based on who shows up at class time is stupid.

Now that I am writing about it all again, I feeling frustrated. I better stop. Instead I will spend some time gathering quotes, etc. on teaching yoga as expressed by some of the most amazing teachers in the world and post them here to support my philosophy that you teach according to the instant needs and desires and energy of the class---not a prescription that creates a studio of Stepford Wife-like teachers and classes!

Does anyone else think that if 6 beginners show up to an all-level class and want a blissful candlelight class that you should give them a speedy, sweat inducing cookie-cutter vinyasa flow at 8:15 pm on a Thursday night? Just wondering. If so, please let me know why. I am open to feedback and changing--or not changing but at least being aware. I just don't see how any yoga teacher is providing a valuable service worth a yogi's time and money if they go on auto-pilot and ignore what the people in the room are needing and wanting.

By the way: I received an email from one of the students after class last night and here is some of what she wrote:

I really enjoyed class tonight....I gain a lot from your classes and would love to take more of them. Maybe we could even get tea sometime as I would like learn more about you and your yoga endeavors.

Deep breathing is required right now. Lots of deep and calming and cleansing breaths. I need yoga. I need to practice letting go!

1 comment:

  1. I ma with you: teach to who sows up, accomodate the levels as best you can, but safety first!
    That said, there is room for us all, not everyone is comfortable with teacing a varying practice. I know I started with a set sequence, from which I SO wasn't going to deviate, until I got more training, experience, and confidence!
