Sunday, March 15, 2009

Self Practice

I have heard from other yoga teachers that they often have a hard time keeping up their own practice when they are teaching yoga. Interestingly, I have actually been much better about doing my own paractice and really delving into my own yoga and allowing myself to play, do poses that I don't often have presented when I take group classes, and I am even honing in on developing my own style of yoga that I would love to offer.


My practice lasted a good 2 hours and I had a blast opening the areas that needed serious opening and connecting poses together in unique ways. I also used the sand bags and strap to help in badha konasana, supta badakonasana, supta hasta padangustasana, and savasana. Delicious! I think my personal practices are now my favorite practices. Crazy to think that I have spent years resisting and shying away from personal practice. It is as if I have turned over an entirely new leaf and am getting a second wind as far as yoga growth goes. So exciting!

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