Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Need a Cleansing Breath

Yoga matsI am at my other job, I guess it is more of my "career" job and I need to do some serious yoga and pranayama. I spent the morning drafting an order and I was happy with what I was writing. But of course something had to go wrong because I am cursed in almost every way when it comes to my day job. How did the curse manifest itself today? The darn document that I saved over and over again did not record any modifications since last night at 5:00 p.m. Somewhere in the bowels of cyberspace my paragraphs about poor planning and blatant disregard for clearly established rules of procedure are floating in a state of limbo. Of course a server went down today and that is likely connected to my disappearing document problem, but the iT experts aren't able to find my missing words somewhere on that server either. I just don't have the patience or energy (that is a refrain I find myself repeating often) to redo what I already spent precious hours of my life doing. Just bad timing all around. I keep thinking that although I enjoy my day job/career and find it challenging and stimulating much of the time, I would not call it fun. It does not provide me with the same sort of joy I get when teaching yoga or helping an asylum client. it defintiely does not leave me as hapy as I am when I am travel planning or creating next week's vinyasa class. Does this mean I should dump the career and create a career out of my hobbies? Big decision. One I have been toying with for many months now. Or is it just a case of "the grass is greener"?

1 comment:

  1. I am currently in the process of doing exactly that - changing my career from one that is soulless to another that helps people. At the end of the day, I think the job that helps people will be much more rewarding. Maybe try find some people in your yoga community who have done just that and have succeeded. I'm sure they'll inspire you to take the plunge! :-)
